Simple, the electronics world cannot operate without these technologies. Because of that, the industry always looks for people from such backgrounds.
I have decided to take the program/course. Where should I start?
You need to register with us first. Registration is just a formal procedure in which you are asked about your contact address, contact numbers, email address etc. Registration can be performed through this site (Use the "contact form" on the right side of this page) or by visiting us (See the page "contact us").
After registration, starting date of the course will be informed to you over telephone (generally, course will start within a week after registration).
What about the class timings?
Timings are flexible, which means, participants of each batch will decide on the timings of every class/session.
Can I pull out my participation after registration?
Yes, you can withdraw your participation after registration and before starting of classes. It entirely depends on you. But once the course starts, you have to stick with us.
Who should participate in the sessions?
Industry people/Faculties of Educational organizations/Students from M.Tech/ME/B.Tech/B.E in any Electronics based streams (like ECE, EEE, ICE, EIE etc).
What is the fee structure?
We are a less-profit organization with the motive of producing more core engineers. So, the fee structure will fall well within your means. Please obtain the fee structure by calling us or by dropping a request email.
When should I pay the fees?
Payment of fees should be made within the first three sittings (classes) of the program.
Do you have career development program to assist us?
Our strength lies in training which we would like to concentrate sincerely. We do have our own unique Career Development Program to assist you very effectively.